Neural Knowledge Extraction From Cloud Service Incidents

July 10, 2020

Research Project, Microsoft Research Lab - India, Bangalore, India

In this work, we address the fundamental problem of structured knowledge extraction from service incidents. We have built SoftNER, a framework for unsupervised knowledge extraction from service incidents.

Retinopathy of Prematurity – Feature Engineering and Predictive Analysis

May 08, 2019

Bachelor Thesis Project, PES University in collaboration with Rx Digi Health Platform, Bangalore, India

Features extracted from retinal images of premature infants are used to build a model to identify the stage of the disease. This is in collaboration with Rx Digi Health Platform, a start-up based in Bangalore, India.

Analysis of Adversarial Attacks To Fool Deep Networks

November 21, 2018

Class Project (Aug '18 - Dec '18), PES University, Bangalore, India

A study of various adversarial attacks along with defenses for the attacks for deep networks using ImageNet. A performance analysis of these attacks on standard models was also carried out.

Intent Based Duplicate Question Removal

November 21, 2018

Class Project (Jan '18 - May '18), PES University, Bangalore, India

Identify whether two questions have the same intent or not. GloVe encoding and a network consisting of fully connected ReLU layers followed by sigmoid classifier were employed on the Quora dataset.